Recipe: Tax day woo’s

For some, filing taxes is as easy as purchasing a program online and just hitting “submit” after entering your w-2 information. I find the older I get the more complex filing taxes can be. No wonder people hire CPA’s! I have filed my taxes today and therefore require a Woo, you know, for the tax…

Recipe: The Non-French French Onion Soup

“I love French onion soup” is an understatement. I am typically not a creature of habit. I like to mix it up a little. I do, however, make French onion soup at least once a month. I cannot live without French onion soup. My husband loves it. My neighbors love it. My parents and grandparents…

Review: Pioneer Woman no-bake peanut butter bars

My mom and step-dad recently returned from a RV trip. They had been gone for what seemed like forever–really was only two weeks, and I missed them. I wanted them to have a stress-free meal without having to go shopping and all after the long journey back. As I’m preparing the dinner, my mom sends…

Recipe: Royal Banana Bread

It’s winter in Colorado which typically means snow, and where I live, lots of it! It’s snowing today and we are expecting another 10-12 inches. I am not one who enjoys driving in the snow with kids. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE driving donuts, just not with my kiddos. This means I have to…

Recipe: Down low and slow ribs

This all starts with my Grandpa, Malcolm. He’s a sweet, gentle yet firm man. One who loves to laugh yet not afraid to put a firm fist down when appropriate. He’s one of my most favored men of all time, oh I just love him to bits! While he doesn’t have many recipes up his…

Recipe: Creamy Clam Chowder

Remember when my sister, Jennifer, and her three children came for a visit but ended up snowed in for a week? Well one of those days I had made creamy and delectable clam chowder, thought I would share the love…mostly because my sister is hounding me for the recipe. This is very similar to most…

My littles

While I love to cook, I am a mother of three wonderful little people first. My children are some of the sweetest and most caring people I have ever met. I know many people can talk their children up, “Oh well my Matthew did….” and “Well my Cara did….” Don’t get me wrong, I do…

Recipe: Fool proof French food; Croissants

The thing about French food is that it is not always technique driven. However, it usually takes a long time, whether it’s boeuf bourguignon or croissants, be ready to spend a couple hours before being product ready. The hubs, Hartley and myself went to France three years ago, while I was pregnant with the twins, to visit a dear…

Goodies for the Foodies

I love to cook. I think that’s pretty obvious. I also love to eat…even more obvious HA! So I thought I would throw this out there and see how it lands. I would like to cook for you. That could mean a number of different things, so bear with me. What if I offered assistance…

Review: The unmistakable Mesa Grill

It all began when I was 10 years old. A youngen in grade school, 5th or 6th grade I think. I had stayed home from school sick and was laying on the sofa, watching tv and feeling ugly when I came across the food network. Something brand new that featured cooking shows and pretty people…

Recipe: Dough you wanna build a snowman?

I live in a small town north of Colorado Springs where when it snows it SNOWS. Never a dusting. In fact, we’ve accumulated almost three feet of snow in the last three days. With that said, my sister and her three beautiful children came for a play date which turned out to be four days long…